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IVE's flawless live vocals dominated the stage of 'M Countdown'.

During the first week of their comeback, IVE dominated the live performance stage on 'M Countdown.'

On April 13, the group presented two new tracks, "I AM" and "Kitsch," from their latest album 'I'VE IVE,' showcasing different styles, choreography, and atmospheres.

What caught the audience's attention was the members' decision to perform live, highlighting their exceptional and stable singing skills. Despite the high-pitched key of "I AM," the group flawlessly hit all the notes, and Jang Won Young showcased her vocal range by singing in a key that fits her tone.

This live singing performance helped the group overcome the previous lipsyncing controversy.

Moreover, IVE demonstrated their impressive live vocals on the new episode of '4Cut Live,' further impressing netizens who praised their outstanding improvement in singing skills. Comments such as "Yu Jin's and Liz's voices are legendary" and "I love their live vocals. Greatly improved a lot!" flooded various online communities.


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